Monday, December 10, 2012

Logo Roughs

The first image below is the 15 roughs that we were supposed to come up with to discuss in class. I had a hard time getting warmed up . . . I've been fairly set on a few things from the beginning: I wanted to use "transform what's possible" as a tagline, and I was pretty certain that I wanted to use an M for the logo. The ideas weren't flowing too freely though, especially with the "nature, abstract, quiet, powerful" feel that I've been going for. This is what I came up with for that round:

I wasn't satisfied with any of those ones, so I kept doodling/sketching. I probably covered about 10 pages front and back. Then when it came down to the wire when we had to have 3 logo options, I still didn't feel that great about anything, but rather than continue to sketch, I told myself that I was going to pick things that I already had. So I went through all of those pages and cut out anything that I thought might have promise to isolate it. I picked out around 10-12, then narrowed it down to five. I glued those 5 to a new piece of paper and tried to squeeze out iterations of each of those logos and finally chose my favorites.

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